
Safety First Means Something Different in the Third World

October 25, 2015

As a building inspector, I used to spot potential health and safety violations with a keen eye, calling out “trip hazards”, “head-knockers” and “shock threats” with regularity.

When I moved to the Third World, I discovered that humans can easily survive risks that we would never tolerate in the USA. Here are seven forehead slappers to share with your local OSHA representative:

1/ Impossibly steep and risky steps that people climb daily without so much as a minor stumble.


2/ Head-knockers that don’t just bump, but impale.


3/  Electrical wiring I dare you to decipher.  


4/ No ramps on the corner.



5/ One streetlight blocks the other from view.


6/ Deathtrap gutters along a busy roadway (don’t try driving this fast-moving road without both hands on the wheel).


7/ Impossibly high curbs.

