
A Stucco Patch on a Concrete Block Wall

Feather the edges, and recreate the mortar lines for an invisible patch
October 09, 2023

Today, I'm going to show you how to do this real quick. Real cent melon is going to help me. She's going to scoop me some mud. Watch this, guys. We're gonna put this thing back together quickly.

Trace the mortar lines

I'm gonna follow this line here, so I'm going to create it, come up, and come on down. Push it, come down. Same here. I'm following the bottom one, go up, and I'm gonna come down. Oh, just like that. The last one is the line down here, up then, down.

Feather the edges with a sponge

What we do is we get our edges and feather the edge in. Rather, this edge in here, this guy here. Same here, feather it in, and the transitions to these right here either make or break a job. If you can't feather in or don't know how, well, that just gonna make for a bad patch.

I'm keeping this float on edge, or actually flat, and any on here, no big deal. Cleaning the float again, getting my edge just like so. And now, I'll get the groove. So, I'm going to get the groove there, here, and get a sharp corner here. I'm going to pull upward and get a sharp corner. This one should have a vertical; let's see, if I were to eyeball it, I'd go about right there. And what I want to do is go down to the scratch coat there, and I want to go about right to here.

Clean up the mortar lines again

So, all I'm doing basically, guys, is lining this up here and this one here, the outer edge, and trying to get in hard enough. Take a square trowel that actually fits it, and there I am. I'm at the scratch coat now, so that's fine too. Alright, the last thing I'm gonna do, guys, is clean this trowel once more. Get all the water out, fix what I screwed up right here. Now, take the float and go in here and go up to it, meet it that way; we have all of the expansion joints or block lines where they need to be.

This is how they did the pyramids. I'm kidding. One last thing: the camera won't show this, but it's sunken in right there, so we take a little bit of mud and fill that little gap up. You always look at your finished product, and if you see something, fix it.
