
Fire Safety on the Job

June 02, 2016

Plywood and paint make extinguishers what they ain't

Matt Risinger shows off a way to use up scrap subfloor and boost the chances of the fire extinguisher being found if needed. Add a logo to the box, and you've got an excellent little marketing tool (homeowners love it).


If you think about the typical American jobsite, we have wood-frame construction, and we've got activities going on that can mean a high danger of fire. Think about that angle grinder, that welder, that propane jobsite heater, any one of those things could make a situation where you've got a high danger for fire.

You need to make sure that you've got a fire extinguisher at locations where that is going on. A fire extinguisher like this, though, is pretty easy to knock over; so what I've done is to make a holder from 3/4 inch plywood, painted red, with my logo on it.

And now with this thing sitting in the corner, it's not going to get knocked over, and it's incredibly visible now, in the corner of my eye, I see that red box in the corner. So if I've got a fire issue, I know I've got an extinguisher on hand.

If you've got a bigger house, you may want two or three of these in a house under construction.

If you want more tips like this, you can visit my blog at MattRisinger.com

—Matt Risinger is a custom builder, remodeler, and YouTuber in Austin Texas
