
Cutting Just a Smidge from Construction Stock: Deflect the Saw Blade

June 06, 2018
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Gravis suscipere typicus. Commodo illum lobortis modo natu paratus rusticus virtus.
Gravis suscipere typicus. Commodo illum lobortis modo natu paratus rusticus virtus.

Sometimes a blade thickness is waaay more than you need to cut off. If you need to take 1/32 off the end of a board, here's how to do it quickly

When you want to take the absolute lightest bit trim off a piece of stock, Ben Bogie suggests doing this:

  • Put the blade down on the sliding compound miter saw.
  • Push the stock against the edge of the blade, to slightly deflect the blade.
  • List the blade, pull the trigger, and slice a 1/64 inch sliver off the end of the board.

You can remove even less by butting the stock to the center part of the blade (rather than the edge where the teeth are located), and NOT deflecting the blade. Because the teeth extend slightly beyond the center of the blade, this will cut whatever that protrusion is, usually in the 1/64 to 1/128 inch range.

We hope that this tip helps with your everyday excellence.

—This video was shot on location at Professional Remodeler's 2017 Mode Remodel.
