
The Least Invasive and Most Affordable Option for Window Replacement

July 20, 2015

Sash and jamb liners can make a house better for a reasonable cost

The window replacement world boils down to four main options:

  • Go down to the studs and replace everything
  • Slide a new window into the old frame
  • Replace the sash using airtight(ish) jamb liners
  • Historic restoration

This video is about replacing sash using energy-efficient jamb liners: the least invasive, most affordable, and probably the least effective method from an energy standpoint. But energy performance is not always the driving factor. Sometimes you just need to make an OK house better.

A replacement sash may make sense if the existing window frame is level, square, and in very good shape, showing no signs of water damage. If the window frame is integrated into the wall well so that no water leaks in, why mess with it?

If the house is in San Francisco, it sort of reduces the whole energy performance thing. Because of perfect weather.

How to replace window sash with replacement sash and jamb liners:

  • Remove the existing sash and stops.
  • Remove the pulleys and weights from the old double-hung windows.
  • Fill the weight pocket with low-expansion spray foam to insulate and air seal the cavity.
  • Snap new jamb liners into metal brackets mounted to the old jambs.
  • Snap a new sash into the jamb liners and tilt it into place.


BlueHouseEnergy.com via Building America Solutions Center

More info on replacement windows:

Building America Solution Center is an online tool that collects best practice recommendations from the country’s top building science and home building experts to help builders and remodelers get to net-zero ENERGY READY homes.
