
Deck Ledgers, Brick Veneers, Building Codes, and Common Sense: Do They Mix?

Veneers represent a huge cantilever for fasteners to bridge
April 15, 2021

This video is a clip from the course Ledgers and Lateral Loads on BuildingCodeCollege.com, taught by Glenn Mathewson.

The code says that brick veneer cannot support any weight other than the load of the veneer above it. This requirement was written in the 1950's. but because physics and gravity are still the same today as they were then, the rule still holds.

A consequence of this rule is that you cannot lag bolt through a brick veneer to the rim joist to hold a deck ledger.

The weak link in the assembly is the air gap between the wall sheathing and the brick. Brick ties are supposed to hold bricks from falling away from the wall if installed properly. Sometimes, though they are not installed properly, or even at all, and you have no way of knowing whether or how well they have been installed.

Glenn's courses are very informative, thorough, accurate, and worth a look.
