The premier season of Weatherization Nation was shot in NW Washington DC where we tore off an unfortunate addition to the back of a 70+-year-old brick house, and we added a two-story addition which nearly doubled the living space.
Flashing a wood-framed chimney is like flashing a dormer, except there’s no roof behind it. Without protection, water can leak into the joint and rot your walls to direct uphill water away
A vapor-permeable roofing underlayment stops air and liquid water while allowing vapor to pass, ensuring a durable roof deck. A layer of Cedar Breather creates a ventilation airspace for moisture and heat removal.
Termite shields are flashings that interrupt bugs instead of redirecting water. Like flashing, they should be made from a durable, non-corrosive, and UV-stable material—and strong enough that powerful little mandibles cannot bite through it.
Minisplit heat pumps provide heating and cooling to room-size spaces. Place the head where it will wash the space with air and place the condenser where it won't obstruct traffic in the winter.